Sunday, June 21, 2009

Volume 1, Issue 1 - Buffalo Farming

Abram was considered to be irrational for striking out in his so called faith. Going against the norm and moving to a place unknown to him. He was a dreamer to some as well. Yes, most of us are reluctant to do as Abram did ourselves. We don’t seem to have the guts to step out in faith no matter what the consequence. We stay at a caution yellow light or even a red one, not wanting to make a decision or hoping that life will happen for us - that the journey will come to us.

When God spoke to Abram, he obeyed. He trusted that God knew what He was doing, even if it meant leaving the security of his home and country that he knew. He packed up everything and set off for a land not known to him. Imagine what must have been going through his wife’s head? Where are we going? Why?” Or did she perhaps trust God as well?

Can we be that much of a so called fool - trusting the Lord no matter what? If He told you to pack up your belongings and move to a foreign country in a far off land, would you? How about if He told you to leave everything behind? Not as easy is it?

The story of Abram reminds me of a man who had lost his job and he and his wife were now struggling to make ends meet. He was praying one night and God clearly spoke to him that he must start a buffalo farm. A buffalo farm??? What a strange request of the Lord considering that they had no money, or very little to do so! This man however trusted that God knew what he was talking about. After all, the words “start a buffalo farm” of all things is not something that you can just have pop into your head, it has to be from God! Too bizarre otherwise! Anyway, this man told his wife, and good thing for him that she believed it was from God as well.

To make a long story short, this man now has a very successful buffalo meat farm in South Western Ontario. The only one of its kind in the area! In fact, he now raises elk and wild boar for meat now! Not to mention a variety of other “exotic” animals for meat as well. This man prayed and trusted enough in the Lord and stepped out in faith when he got an answer to his prayers. However strange of a request from God it was, this man now runs a very successful business. He packed up his belongings, moved away from his home and believed that God knew what He was doing. A buffalo farm! How very out there!

Do we have the trusting faith that this now buffalo farmer had or that Abram had? Or are we at a stand still, not knowing what to do? Can we look irrational to the world? Do we pray for guidance and step beyond our front door step? Can we swallow our pride and stubbornness and step out of our comfort zone? Step into the unknown with the Lord as your guide. If He tells you to do something, even just to pray more, do it! If you don’t get an answer right away, pray more! Trust more! Have faith more! Remember that prayer is just the beginning of faith!

Let Him guide you in your journey to a foreign place of unknown territory - a place beyond your comprehension and beyond your front door step. Throw away your pride and doubt. They only get in the way of what the Lord requires of us and asks of us. Instead, take your prayerful faith, your belongings, and enjoy the trip. Where will He take you?! Maybe you’ll start a buffalo farm!

The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.”
- Genesis 12:1

Everything is possible for him who believes. - Mark 9:23